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LTM 51 in HO

Project preparation - LTM 51

In the early months of 2020 I was finishing my NBDS 119 during rather adverse family circumstances. Painting and lining is a process that calls for peace of mind and during period where I did not feel like doing those chores I kept myself occupied with researching the LTM51.
I identified the parts needed, based on photos and drawings and came up with the list below and ordered them all at once on 30 March, amidst the infamous Corona crisis.

More parts may possibly be needed during the course of the project. I will add them to the list. The list also provides a good insight in the cost of this model....

List of parts ordered for the LTM 51



I took a standard sorting box and made myself a nice cover picture in anticipation of the parts arriving.

Weinert parts (Friday 3 April 2020)

This parcel arrived as the first delivery only a few days after ordering. Neatly packed. Unfortnately sent via DHL, a shipper that never fails to disappoint me. They lived up to my expectations. This time I got an email I wasn't home so the packet was delivered to the neighbours. I got that message while the parcel was on the piano, accepted by my wife!


I shrugged and opened the box

I have learned by now that an order of over €150 can come with disappointingly little substance. If I look at it in terms costs per net gram, I would not be surprised if these parts are more expensive than gold.

No 8260, hand wheels, three spokes
8262 Roof lifting eyes
8290, Brake hoses, I ordered 2 sets, so eight in total as the loco has four hoses on every side
8292, brakes hoses (vacuum ?)
8365, bell with clapper, I only need one so the other will find its way into my stock
8780, sandboxes. I ordered two sets. I completely missed the fact that there were four in a set, so the other set will go into my stock
8982, grease pump, two
82016, brake valve
8934, brake shoes. I here again I missed that there were eight in a set, so I ordered one set too much.
82017, boiler backhead fixtures. Originally intended for de smaller German standard loco's, like BR 64, I will use the parts in part for the boiler backhead but I will also fabricate a boiler top feed from it.
87043 Ladders from a BR 50 which I guessed would be just about right and which I will adapt to fit.
82602, hand wheels 4 and 5 spoke. Made from plastic, which is disappointing, I had hoped for brass parts.

Tuesday 7 April 2020: de Tramfabriek

The tiny motors have arrived. I chose the double ended version. Maybe I won't be able to fit any substantial flywheel but if I don't have the second end I won't be either. So I broke the bank and spent another €3 to be on the safe side.

Wednesday 6 May 2020: Alan Gibson


Six wheelsets, ample crank pins and bushes, and one set of sprung hornblocks (I already had one set)

Friday 15 May 2020: Philotrain

870/10701 Sprung screw couplings (2)
870/50102 Safety valves

870/10201 Air hoses (8)

I also ordered air hoses from Philotrain which were intended to restock my depleted supply for regular Dutch steam locomotives but I diverted two sets into the LTM 51's box to take whichever is best: Weinert's or Philotrain's

870/50001 Air pump
870/50006 Handwheel of the smokebox door
870/50301 Chimney
870/50501 Bell with clapper
870/50602 Tram headlights (4)
870/50702 Jacks
870/50802 Cab roof lifting eyes


Apart from so many parts that need to be ordered there always some general stock you need to have. And what is general and when does it become specific? Brass tube 22m outer diameter and 1,5 mm wall thickness is generally available. But there is no way I would ever use that again then just for my LTM 51's boiler.

This general stock arrived on 20 May 2020 (from left to right):

  • 22 mm solid brass
  • 22 mm brass tube
  • 12 mm solid brass
  • 13 mm phosphor bronze
  • 10 mm steel

It really is general stock as I bought it to have it in supply if needed without a specific purpose, except for the brass tube wihich already destined to become the LTM 51's boiler.

As it kept rolling away during the the photo session it really is rolling stock 😜😂